Federal, 3rd Degree, 20 Gauge, 3", 5/6/7 Shot Combo, 1.75oz, Flight Control (5 Round Box)
Federal, 3rd Degree, 20 Gauge, 3", 5/6/7 Shot Combo, 1.75oz, Flight Control (5 Round Box)
240 in stock
Federal, 3rd Degree, 20 Gauge, 3", 5/6/7 Shot Combo, 1.75oz, Flight Control, 5 Round Box
Federal 3rd Degree is a premium turkey shotshell designed for 20-gauge firearms. It features a unique three-stage payload consisting of No. 5 copper-plated lead, No. 6 FLITESTOPPER lead, and No. 7 HEAVYWEIGHT TSS (Tungsten Super Shot) with a total payload weight of 18 g/cc. This combination provides larger, more forgiving patterns at close range while maintaining deadly penetration at longer distances.
Bullet Type
- No. 5 copper-plated lead
- No. 7 HEAVYWEIGHT TSS (Tungsten Super Shot)
- No. 5: Copper-plated lead, unknown grain
- No. 6: FLITESTOPPER lead, unknown grain
- No. 7: HEAVYWEIGHT TSS, 18 g/cc
- 20-gauge
Bullet Velocity
- Unknown velocity
Distance Bullet Drop Starts
- Unknown distance
Federal 3rd Degree is designed for hunting turkeys at medium to long ranges. The combination of lead and tungsten shot allows for a controlled pattern, ensuring that the shooter can place shots accurately even in dense cover. The FLITECONTROL FLEX wad contributes to this performance by helping to maintain a consistent pattern throughout the shot string.
- Unique Three-Stage Payload: Combines lead and tungsten shot for a controlled pattern.
- FLITECONTROL FLEX Wad: Enhances pattern consistency.
- HEAVYWEIGHT TSS: Provides deadly penetration at longer distances.
- Copper-Plated Lead: Effective at close range.
- FLITESTOPPER Lead: Helps maintain a consistent pattern.
- Turkey Hunting: Ideal for hunting turkeys at medium to long ranges.
- Small Game: Effective for small game hunting such as rabbits and squirrels.
- Dove Hunting: Suitable for dove hunting due to the controlled pattern.
Federal 3rd Degree is a premium shotshell designed for turkey hunting. Its unique payload and wad design ensure a controlled pattern that is effective at both close and long ranges. It is a versatile option for hunters who need to adapt to various environments and target sizes.