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Byrna Technologies

Byrna Max Projectiles 25 Count - Tub .68 Cal

Byrna Max Projectiles 25 Count - Tub .68 Cal

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Byrna Max Projectiles 25 Count - Tub .68 Cal

Product Overview

The Byrna Max Projectiles 25 Count - Tub .68 Cal is a powerful and effective non-lethal personal defense device. It is designed to provide maximum stopping power with its proprietary blend of chemical irritants, OC, and CS, making it a reliable and safe option for self-defense.


Key Features

  • Size: The Byrna is roughly the size of a compact 9mm handgun, making it easy to handle and conceal.
  • Holsters: Custom tactical and nylon holsters are available for comfortable carrying.
  • Power Source: Powered by compressed CO2 cartridges, similar to paintball or airsoft guns.

Product Features

Chemical Irritants

The Byrna Max projectiles contain a proprietary blend of chemical irritants, OC and CS, which are designed to incapacitate an attacker quickly and effectively. Upon impact, the projectiles burst, releasing a cloud of chemical irritants that rapidly disperses, creating a saturation area around the point of impact.

Physical Effects

The chemical irritants can cause a range of physical symptoms, including:

  • Burning in the throat
  • Wheezing
  • Gasping
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Gagging
  • Inability to breathe
  • Nausea
  • Burning of the eyes
  • Burning of the lungs
  • Chest tightness
  • Excessive salivation

These physical symptoms can lead to disorientation, agitation, fear, anxiety, and panic in would-be attackers. The quick-acting incapacitating effects ensure that the attacker is effectively neutralized, allowing the user to defend themselves safely and effectively.

The Byrna is not considered a firearm and is legal to carry in all 50 states. However, it should only be used for lawful purposes, including self-defense. It should never be brandished or used in a threatening manner, except as necessary in the defense of oneself or others.

Safety and Reliability

The Byrna is designed to be the safest, most effective, and most reliable non-lethal self-defense weapon on the market today. It is highly effective in stopping an attacker without causing serious harm.


The Byrna Max Projectiles 25 Count - Tub .68 Cal is an advanced and reliable non-lethal personal defense device. Its unique blend of chemical irritants, OC, and CS, ensures maximum stopping power and safety. With its compact size and easy-to-use design, it is an ideal choice for personal protection.

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